Saturday, October 2, 2010


Try to be quick today cause I'm on duty. Management is giving us a hard time - no hour lunch or coffee breaks, I think I only took two bathroom breaks today (that can't be healthy), one accompanied by a little man. Because I couldn't go buy my lunch I haven't eaten and it's 4:23pm and 5pm is definitely not looking like punch out time. LOL, Welcome to parenthood!!
I always look so forward to weekends, not because I can really take the day off (with having our newbie) but because at least my husband and I are one to one with the little bears and they surely can't overcome us both.....maybe. But today is not as eventful as most weekends cause yet again one of the kids are sick. I'm already finding that a family of four shares everything and colds/flu's are a revolving cycle. I think one of us has been getting over a cold for at least a month now, such a bummer. Our lil tod Rossi woke up from his nap on the couch (YES, on the couch) yesterday with a squeaky voice and today it's progressed to full blown barks, squishy nose and cherry eyeballs. I brought him out to a regular apnt yesterday and he announces to everyone in the waiting room "I don't feel weow today". I think everyone in the room wanted to come over and snuggle up to offer some relief to this obviously bummed out clever boy.
So today's challenge is giving extra cuddles to the little boss and trying provide some relief to his terrible cough. If anyone knows of natural remedies that can be concocted from the household pantry - please let me know. I've tried hot water, honey to coat the throat and really prefer not to go to the puffer route - we hate it as much as he does. So alas no naps for lil Rossi today, gonna make for an interesting evening.....

The word "career" has really changed for me in the past couple of years. For me it often meant trying to keep myself, along with other people organized, staying interested in the financials (never was an expert at that) and of course picking out the best corporate attire to "dress for the job you want, not dress for the job you have". These days though, I'm more career oriented than ever. I said to my husband, when we discussed me staying at home, that I really wanted to make a career out of being a mom. You know, keep up on the latest articles (parenting mag's), bring them to break out sessions (or playgroups), and try to always cook them homemade not processed foods and treats (at most buy the organic "cheaters"). And can I say that this is by far the most challenging job that I've ever had! You hear it from all parents but is hard some days right? And looking back, one was a breeze!! Two has posed new challenges and is really kicking my time management skills right out the door. One great friend of mine (love you B!) said it right when she said "we are tricked into having another baby we have these sweet little people and then we get think another will be fun, we get pregnant and then they turn 2 and it is too late to turn back". I LOVED that. Of course we are both so in love with both of our children and adore every minute with them but they certainly are right about those two's being challenging...yikes!! But honestly, this may be the most challenging "job" ever but it really is the most rewarding. We could be having the craziest day, thinking today just might be the day I turn in and have a breakdown and those big gorgeous (brown in my case) eyes look at you and say "I yove mommy". Ahhhhhh,  now that's pure job satisfaction!!!

Here's a couple of pics from our day, we did venture out a little - Keeva and I went to the health food store (she's so organically conscious, LOL) and Rossi and Daddy to mastermind next door. R was pretty pooped afterwards but Keeva was kicking it tummy time and rollin over with ease!
BTW, some people have been trying to post but couldn't w/o being a blogger member. I think I MAY have fixed that so try again. I'm really still figuring this out and yes I do realize how simplistic this site is...I'll get there. It's on my "scorecard", LOL.

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