Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thanks for Daily bread...and patience God :)

As suspected, there is a huge gap from my last post. There really isn't an excuse. I've certainly had a writers block with lack of sleep and have sat here many nights just staring, then gave up -  "I got nothin" and went back to surfing the net or more likely chores.

Keeva is still not sleeping well, in fact gotten a little worse this week. She's up at night every 2 hours or less. Sometimes I feed her, other times my wonderful hubs steps in to help get her back to sleep. This little smarty gets angry with the food supplier when I don't give in and feed her every time. And without getting into a huge debate or voicing opinions, nursing is not as easy as it seems sometimes. There are enormous benefits and for me, it is still the best option but there certainly are times when I wonder if bottle feeding would make things just a little easier. That along with anything else can be debated of course.

When I was a kid, most babies were formula fed. I understand that with time, there has been more information surrounding the benefits of breastfeeding but I've heard horror stories from moms who have either chosen or cannot breastfeed. There is so much pressure that parents often have a guilt associated with feeding their baby!! That's outrageous!! Listen, I am pro nursing but that is my decision. To all you moms out there nursing or formula, we are all providing the best for our baby and are equally blessed to be able to do so. There are many unfortunate families who do not have the health or finances to provide either. Let's lay off the pressure on both sides and count our blessings. Gosh, that sounded a little "preachy", cool! :)

Keeva has never liked the bottle and as much as we have tried with expressed milk, she refuses to drink from one. We decided it was a good idea to at least introduce her to a bottle (to provide some freedom for apnts,etc.) and gave her one every day since birth. She never liked it so finally I gave up and stopped trying. Honestly I am fine with that, I do enjoy that cuddle time with her. At first I was a little frustrated but I know I'm lucky to be able to nurse her so it's cool. It is ironic however. With Rossi, I was never happy leaving him with anyone and missed him terribly if I had to. He was great with taking the bottle. With Keeva (as a second time mom) I'm more willing to take a couple of hours and go out and do some errands but of course she hates it and keeps me close to home or I take her with me, which is fine too. But wouldn't that bottle supplement be nice for that extra dose of caffeine, maybe a glass of wine? LOL. And what about those nursing bras moms? Zero support!! Could I feel any less sexy postpartum?  In perspective, I'm sure I'll miss these days where she is so reliant on me. So goes most challenges we face with our kids right?
Perspective and hindsight are things I say to myself every morning when my day starts without ample sleep. That and a prayer for patience today and everyday when my toddler asks me 1075 times why is....?why that....?...what's that?, where's it? I want to?..... and for my littlest bear when she's obviously exhausted and sleeps her common 20 min nap (although not to jinx myself, getting much better with the daytime sleeping).  All in all though my kids are the joy of my life, I'm blessed to have them both and thankful that these are only small challenges that we have to face. Rossi is the funniest little man, Keeva is Mrs. personality - always smiling and just melts my heart with every grin.

I ran downstairs to get my camera and look at this! Finally....a moment where I can see that these sib's are just gonna have the best times together!

I've been peaking and noticed that there are quite a few readers of this blog, more than expected. Thanks so much for stopping by and reading a little about my Adventure. I would love to hear more from you, all comments are welcome! I'm hoping to take this blog into a more useful tool for other mommies like me. I mean it's fun to read about someone else's life but how much of me can you take??! In weeks to come I'm hoping to do tons more reviews, recipes that I've tried, online shops (especially with Christmas coming up) and tons more. If you have a small business and would like to promote with a giveaway, or advertising, please let me know!!

Here's a mini preview of what's in my head and gonna make it to the blog (not necessarily in this order) :

- Happy Halloween - peanut free, recipes, etc.
- Inspired....
- Cloth diapering 101 - terminology, resources, reviews, recipes (yes recipes)
- First Haircut (more personal)
- Laundry soap review - Natural, commercial, cloth diapering,etc.
- Fav baby purees

...and lots more as it comes into this SAHM's head!

Back to it for me, laundry awaits........talk soon!


  1. Nice post! :)


  2. I love the moments when you can sit back and watch your kids play together.It brings me such joy.

