Sunday, October 3, 2010


Today I did something I said I'd never do......I dyed my own hair, GASP!!! Part of being a SAHM is living on one income and really changing line of thinking -need vs. WANT. Now, those of you who have known me for awhile, know this is really different for me. I used to be the one sporting the new trends, hair in perfect place and killer heels. Of course those of you who have known me that long probably didn't know that these two pregnancies have awarded me with silvery strands in my once beautiful LONG (that's gone too) brown hair. I've always cringed at the $50-70 payout for colour treating my hair and knew of so many ppl who dye their own so thought I'd give it a try. And why not go herbal? So I picked up the Hemp hair dye yesterday at the health food store. Without over analyzing, I hid myself away during nap time today and started mixing the witches cauldron. These are the thoughts that filled my head:
"WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING? Is this really worth it? Can't this just be the one thing I can splurge on? Oh God, what if it turns out Auburn, oh God, not AUBURN!! People will start calling me Sandi Rinaldo" (Don't get me wrong - so fashionable and talented, but honestly - does she not have a new hair colour every night???)" But I continued on, saying what the hell - I hate my "in between" hair style now anyways, this can't get worse. So long story sorta turned out pretty good. YAAAAAYY! $12.99 vs. $70.00 - another steal and organic too! Healthy right? - That's pretty well what I tell myself every time I spend money lately - healthy so worth it :) LOL
Despite my dramatic episode today, I'm pretty happy giving up a lot of the luxuries for myself these days. I've had to make some purchases to fit this new body of mine, but I'm happy to spend my days (dare I say even outside) without make-up, in lounge pants and nursing-friendly loose fitting shirts. No I hope I haven't let myself completely go but I've definitely cut down on personal expenses.......or tried to....gosh, this week has been bad though hasn't it? I guess the reform is still a work in progress :) All that being said, holy moly - we spent $56 on Rossi's shoes yesterday, what the heck???!!! to be truly fair, I really tried last week - I shopped at all the mall stores but our little elf has the fatest little feet and we can't fit that wide foot to fit into anything less than $35  - do you feel my pain moms? And all that money for maybe 4 months when he grows out of yet another pair of shoes. Dahhh, that pains me. Really.
Today we spent the day together inside. We were all happy to stay in today and let Rossi recover from his cold and hopefully get some housework done (like that ever happens). My wonderful hubs encouraged me to take an extra few zzzzz's with little Kiwi's first morning nap. Before I knew it, it was 10:30 and Frank was in full play mode with both the kids in their rooms. What a great daddy he is and such an amazing husband to tackle the two and let me sleep, love him!!! After I had my late morn coffee, Rossi and I made our weekly baked treats "Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies" courtesy

we substituted the chocolate chips for pecans since I wanted to swap out the sugar for some protein. And get this, NO ADDED SUGAR, NO BUTTER, NO EGGS!!!

These cookies came out wonderfully chewy and so sweet! If you haven't ever checked out, please do! It has the tastiest healthy recipes for kids and often the prep is kid friendly so it's fun to have them dig in with you as well. I find Rossi eats it if he helps prep it. No, they aren't paying me..if they were I'd have gone to the hairdresser today instead of enduring the 40 minute panic:)
Keeva and Daddy played till we were finished and made fresh OJ for the little sicky......hmmm, which gets me thinking....I'm sure Rossi's germs got baked out in the oven right? :)
Keeva is still getting used to camera, hence the frightened eyes, LOL

Overall, a wonderful day in the household. Now, back to getting that kitchen clean before the week starts I really do miss my working buddy throughout the week, 6pm doesn't come fast enough baby, not just because you take over care of the little boss but because all three of us miss you so much when you're not here dancing with us, xo


  1. Glad to hear the hair turned out, Connie!

    We'll have to check out that recipe, but I'll stick with chocolaote...only because TT can't have nuts yet (not because I need a choco fix--LOL). Love the pic of Rossi stirring the batter. Too cute! Christine

  2. I love reading your posts, Connie! Reading about my litte cutie and beauty puts a smile on this zia's face. Hope Rossi is feeling better, the sweetheart. Love you guys! Zia Mimi xoxo
